Skills & capabilities

Skills & capabilities dashboard provides a deep-dive into skill tags and keywords found in online profiles. Skills analysis typically shines when looking at technical diligence. It can be used to inform:

  • Code base languages
  • Tech stack & tools
  • Like-for-like comparisons when title inflation is expected (e.g. "Data Scientist" → triangulate with observations of Python, SQL, etc.)


Skills demo


Skills chart configured to show specific user-specified skill tags
Skills chart configured to show specific user-specified skill tags

The Skills chart shows the total number of observations of a skill tag across all current employees. The sum of observations can be filtered by role.

The chart can be configured to show top skills (default) or filtered to show specific skills (shown above).

Each skill can only be counted once per profile. Essentially, each skill count can be interpreted as "how many employees within this role claim to have a particular skill?"

Skill analysis is limited to current employees.