Top schools

The Top schools dashboard provides insight into the schools attended by the recent hires of the companies setup in your project.


Top schools demo

Schools attended by talent

The top schools are shown in the bar segments, where each year refers to the hire year of the employee.

Where an employee obtained degrees at multiple different schools, both schools will register in this data. Counts will therefore likely by higher than the raw hire counts

"N/A" and "Other"

While most bar segments are school names, there are two distinct segments:

  • "N/A" → where the school attended was unavailable, either due to incomplete available data, or a profile not attending a school
  • "Other" → part of the long tail of schools (i.e. low count). Currently only the top 20 schools have a dedicated bar segment. To see the detail of these other schools, export from the data table below the chart.

Data tables


To export the full data set of top schools, including detail beyond the top 20 schools each year, export from the data table beneath the chart (hover over top-right for download option)