
Available columns within the Sourcing module

Column nameDescriptionCategory
Company Name

Name of the company

Company Attributes

Company website

Company Attributes
Company Id

Our unique company identifier

Company Attributes
LinkedIn Website

Company LinkedIn page

Company Attributes

Is the company publicly or privately owned

Company Attributes
LinkedIn Industry

Company industry

Company Attributes
HQ Country

Country of company headquaters

Company Attributes
Brief Description

Brief description of the company, its products and services

Company Attributes
Detailed Description

Brief description of the company, its products and services

Company Attributes
Parent Company

Parent company of the company in question

Company Attributes
Founding Year

Year that the company was founded

Company Attributes
Detailed HQ Location

Company HQ location to the highest level of granularity available

Company Attributes
Estimated Revenue

Estimated annual revenue ($M)

Company Attributes
Regions Active

World regions in which the company operates

Company Attributes
Business Model

B2B vs B2C

Company Attributes
Historic Employees

Total number of people who have worked for a company

Company Attributes
Current Headcount

Total current headcount of the company

Company Attributes
Total Headcount Growth [6 months]

Annualized growth in total headcount [last 6 months]

Company Attributes
Total Headcount Growth [1 year]

Annualized growth in total headcount [last 1 year]

Company Attributes
Total Headcount Growth [2 years]

Annualized growth in total headcount [last 2 years]

Company Attributes
Total Headcount Growth [3 years]

Annualized growth in total headcount [last 3 years]

Company Attributes
Current Engineering

Current engineering headcount of the company

Current FAANG Alumni Engineers

Current headcount that worked at Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix or Google in their previous job and now work in an engineering role

Current Top CS School Alumni Engineers

Current headcount that studied at a top college for computer science and now work in an engineering role

Engineering Headcount Growth [6 months]

Annualized growth in engineering headcount [last 6 months]

Engineering Headcount Growth [1 year]

Annualized growth in engineering headcount [last 1 year]

Engineering Headcount Growth [2 years]

Annualized growth in engineering headcount [last 2 years]

Engineering Headcount Growth [3 years]

Annualized growth in engineering headcount [last 3 years]

Current Sales

Current sales headcount of the company

Sales Headcount Growth [6 months]

Annualized growth in sales headcount [last 6 months]

Sales Headcount Growth [1 year]

Annualized growth in sales headcount [last 1 year]

Sales Headcount Growth [2 years]

Annualized growth in sales headcount [last 2 years]

Sales Headcount Growth [3 years]

Annualized growth in sales headcount [last 3 years]

Current FAANG Alumni

Current headcount that worked at Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix or Google in their previous job

FAANG Alumni
FAANG Headcount Growth [6 months]

Annualized growth in FAANG alumni headcount [last 6 months]

FAANG Alumni
FAANG Headcount Growth [1 year]

Annualized growth in FAANG alumni headcount [last 1 year]

FAANG Alumni
FAANG Headcount Growth [2 years]

Annualized growth in FAANG alumni headcount [last 2 years]

FAANG Alumni
FAANG Headcount Growth [3 years]

Annualized growth in FAANG alumni headcount [last 3 years]

FAANG Alumni
Current Top CS School Alumni

Current headcount that studied at a top college for Computer Science

Top CS Alumni
Top CS Headcount Growth [6 months]

Annualized growth in headcount who went to a top school for Computer Science [last 6 months]

Top CS Alumni
Top CS Headcount Growth [1 year]

Annualized growth in headcount who went to a top school for Computer Science [last 1 year]

Top CS Alumni
Top CS Headcount Growth [2 years]

Annualized growth in headcount who went to a top school for Computer Science [last 2 years]

Top CS Alumni
Top CS Headcount Growth [3 years]

Annualized growth in headcount who went to a top school for Computer Science [last 3 years]

Top CS Alumni
Current Top Management Headcount

Current headcount of Top Management Employees

Top Management
Top Management Headcount Growth [1 year]

Annualized growth in headcount of Top Management Employees [last 1 year]

Top Management
Top Management Headcount Growth [2 years]

Annualized growth in headcount of Top Management Employees [last 2 years]

Top Management
Top Management Headcount Growth [3 years]

Annualized growth in headcount of Top Management Employees [last 3 years]

Top Management
Latest Funding Round

Most recent type of funding round (Series A, B etc.)

Funding Attributes
Latest Funding Year

Year of most recent funding round

Funding Attributes
Latest Funding ($M)

Size of most recent funding round ($M)

Funding Attributes
Total Funding ($M)

Total equity funding raised ($M)

Funding Attributes
Valuation ($M)

Post Money Valuation ($M)

Funding Attributes
Number of Funding Rounds

Investor Count

Funding Attributes
Top 5 / Active Investors

Top investors in the company by funding contributed

Funding Attributes
Serial Founder

Whether the founder(s) of the company has founded other companies

Serial Founder
Total Attrition [1 year]

Attrition rate last year

Total Attrition [2 years ago]

Attrition rate 2 years ago

Total Attrition [3 years ago]

Attrition rate 3 years ago

Female Employees Ratio

Female employees among total employees (male + female, excluding N/As)