
The Attrition dashboard provides insight into the attrition over time by company, role, and/or geography.

Attrition is computed for each year by organization, role, and/or geography. It is the ratio of # exits during the year to employee count at the start of the year.


Attrition demo

Attrition by company


This chart displays the attrition rate over time by company with optional filters for roles and geographies; for this example, Cruise Automation and Waymo have been selected from the filters on the left-hand side.

Additionally, the focus country is United States.

Attrition by role


This chart displays the attrition rate over time by role for a given company(s) and/or set of countries. In this instance, the selected company is Cruise Automation and the selected roles are Analytics and Engineering.

Note: In most cases only one company may be selected from the Select Company filter. Selecting multiple companies will result in attrition values calculated across the combined exit counts and employee bases of the multiple countries