
The Gender dashboard provides insights on employee growth by gender, gender ratios, tenure by gender and more.

Inferred gender labelling (male, female, N/A) is applied at individual level using ML models trained on census-like data sets on first names. Whenever the ML model cannot reach a sufficiently high confidence level, it will tag the individual inferred gender as N/A (∼20%).


Gender ratios


The Gender ratios allows users to see total current employee counts by inferred gender

Employees will also be assigned to role segments. A useful toggle is switching Mode to 100% Stacked in the top left drop down to compare role ratios across benchmark companies.

This chart includes all profiles that have a start date and no specified end date.

Change over time


The Change Over Time charts allow the user to analyze headcount changes by year by gender. The stacked bar version further disaggregates data by role segment and offers monthly resolution.

Gender ratios over time


The Gender ratios over time chart allows users to see total current employee counts by company, roles and gender over time. A useful toggle is Career tenure to compare gender ratios between higher/ lower career tenured employees.



The Attrition views provide insight into the attrition over time by gender, company, role, and/or geography.

Attrition is computed for each year by organization, role, and/or geography. It is the ratio of # exits during the year to employee count at the beginning of the year.

The Attrition by company chart displays the attrition rate over time by company for the selected gender with optional filters for roles and geographies.

The Attrition by role chart displays the attrition rate over time by role for a selected gender and given company(s).

Note: In most cases only one company may be selected from the Select Company filter. Selecting multiple companies will result in attrition values calculated across the combined exit counts and employee bases of the multiple countries

Company tenure


The Company tenure view allows analysis of time spent by employees at their current company, for any company in your project, and can be filtered by gender. The central area chart shows the count of employees at each tenure level for the selected gender, with mean and median summary statistics shown on the RHS.

Note: tenure for each employee is rounded to the nearest year, i.e. tenure of 0 includes any employees with a tenure of less than 6 months

The tenure data in the central chart and RHS panels can be filtered by company, country and role (all LHS) and by gender (top drop down)

Whilst no company is selected from the LHS company filter, data displayed will include employees from all companies in the project

Career tenure


The Career tenure view allows analysis of the total career length of the current employees of your focus companies by gender.

Note: Career tenure is calculated as the sum of all past time spent in work by an employee i.e. any periods of unemployment will not count towards career tenure

See Company tenure for description of filters and calculation methodology