Click on the triangle on the left to expand and see the answers to the most commonly asked questions

Why is there a significant difference (>20%) in the number of profiles outlined by company reports / LinkedIn Recruiter for certain companies vs. Aura Databox?
Why can I see profiles of people who joined / left the company recently on LinkedIn but this is not reflected on Databox?
Some of the industries outlined for the companies in my list don’t seem to be fully accurate – why would this happen?
When I download the file in CSV format, everything shows up in 1 column – how do I make sure they are all properly organized?
What is the pricing structure for using Databox?
I ended up downloading the same data multiple times when trying to get the exact filter I needed – does this mean I will be charged cumulatively for all profiles across the downloads?
Will the Aura team help in the cleaning and processing of the data and slide creation?