
Adding companies to a project

  1. After creating a new project, you'll be prompted with the Project home page. Here you'll have 3 options:
    • Add companies
    • Dashboards
    • Roles
    • Share project
    • Export project data
    • We'll focus on Add companies in this tutorial

      Project home page
      Project home page
  2. Clicking the Add companies button will take us to the Company searcher. From here, you can search for any company in our 12M+ dataset. You can search by:
  3. Adding a company is as simple as dragging the company card from the search results over to the queue on the right side of the screen
  4. Dragging companies from results to queue
    Dragging companies from results to queue
  5. Companies can even be merged together by dragging one company card on top of another in the queue. This is helpful managing subsidiary β†’ parent relationships.
  6. πŸ’‘
    When analyzing conglomerates with multiple subsidiaries, it is best practice to combine relevant subsidiaries into a one single organization. For example when analyzing GE (General Electric), might be good to combine GE, GE Healthcare, GE Capital, GE Power, GE Oil & Gas, and more together into one single GE.
    Merging one company card into another
    Merging one company card into another
  7. After selecting all relevant companies you can initiate the data pull by clicking Confirm. You'll receive a summary of all companies (and merged companies if applicable) before a final Confirm.
  8. Summary of company request
    Summary of company request
  9. After confirming the request, you will be redirected to the Project home screen. You'll be able to track the progress of the data request in the bottom right of your screen. Once data has completed loading, you can then explore the Dashboards section.
  10. Jobs running indicator in bottom right of screen. Click the status indicator to expand for more detail
    Jobs running indicator in bottom right of screen. Click the status indicator to expand for more detail
    Jobs running indicator expanded for additional detail
    Jobs running indicator expanded for additional detail