
Historical job postings by Roles

This chart shows the total number of historical job postings for each company by different roles

You can hover over each bar to see the detailed numbers, or download the data

A useful toggle is switching Mode to 100% Stackedin the top left drop down to compare role ratios across benchmark companies

Roles are tagged based on the title of each of the postings



  • The roles are tagged using keywords based on the job title of each of the job postings. Below are some examples for some of the roles -
    • Analysis & Data Science: Business Systems Analysts, Data Scientists, Lead Business Analysts
    • Operations & Productions: Manufacturing Associates, Warehouse Inventory Clerks, Drivers
    • Physical engineering: Electrical Engineers, Electromechanical Technicians
  • Others” are those titles without categorization current, and we are actively working on tagging those titles